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Protocol officers frequently ensure proper follow-up on dignitary visits, with thank you notes and tokens of appreciation such as commemorative photographs, plaques and trophies. The objective of this follow-up is to leave the dignitaries with a feeling of good will. Here we are going to have examples of them.


e-Mail protocols are very essential at this stage, with proven steps in achieving to near perfect e-mail manners so as not to offend the other parties or recepients like;-

  • Include a greeting every time you email out

  • introduce yourself briefly

  • minimise or do not use emoticons

  • clear and conscise e-mails

  • thank your recepient for their time

  • Your signature must/should include

  • never be in a hurry to send out that e-mail after writting it

  • if all  goes well , patience is called for at this stage, send you e-mail, sit back and wait for a response.


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