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By tackling roles played by protocol officers, I have first to pick a leaf from Jason Van Steenwyk’s definition of protocol thus;

‘’Protocol is the term used to describe the formalities and courtesies that lubricate relationships between institutions. Most notably used in an international relations context, organizations often observe protocols whenever any VIP conducts an official visit. The U.S. Department of State has a protocol department in charge of facilitating state visits and ensuring the smooth reception of dignitaries throughout the U.S. embassy system. State and city governments also frequently have protocol offices, as do military commands’’[1].


Protocol generally refers to customs and rules of politeness and courtesy between individuals and in society. For governments, nations, Kingdoms and provinces, protocol is a system of conventions, procedures and symbols which express their identity and facilitate relationships between them[2].Government protocol covers such areas as official visit procedures, symbols (flags and other visual emblems, anthems, uniforms), forms of address (written and verbal), and tables of precedence, state ceremonial, guidelines for hospitality, and official honors’ and awards. It also includes details like guest-lists, invitations, seating-plans, gifts and dress codes. International protocol is a complex system of rules and conventions which govern the relationships between nation-states and in international organizations.


Protocol offices plan and organize official visits within their jurisdiction, for example those of diplomats, foreign delegations, the Royal Family and the Governor General. They are usually responsible for government hospitality and ceremonial events and provide a consulting or advisory service on protocol-related matters. Depending on the jurisdiction, protocol offices may have a number of other responsibilities.


In Canada, within federal jurisdiction, the Office of Protocol of the Department of Foreign Affairs is responsible for Canada's international protocol: relationships with the diplomatic corps, organization of official visits from other countries and of Canada's official visits to those countries.



[1] Jason Van Steenwyk, eHow contributor, 2013. What are the duties of Protocol officers? [Online] Available at:

<>,  (Accessed 04/04/2014).


[2] Government of Saskatchewan, 2013. Protocol in Practice. [Online] Available at:

<>,  (Accessed 04/04/2014).

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