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Planning events.

This can easily be broken down into two categories: ? And, ? At a mere mention of events, to protocol officers and events managers; this sends shivers down each of their spines, and I mean the new entrants to this discipline. The question here is about what is involved in event planning, in developing these events some basic steps need to be followed and of course not all details are identifiable due to the different nature of these events however, as an overview to events planning I detail steps to get you started.


1.Develop Event Goal and Objectives

The very first step is to establish a tangible goal and objectives. (e.g., why are you organizing this event and what do you hope to achieve?)


2.Organize a Team


Any event takes a concerted team effort to handle all of the details. Consider identifying one key Event Manager or Event Chair as well as individual Chairpersons for subcommittees, such as:


  • Venue management;

  • speakers;

  • entertainment;

  • publicity;

  • sponsors;

  • volunteer management



3.Set a Date


The date might already be pre-set for a reoccurring event, but if this is a new event, be sure to consider the following before firming up your date:

Give yourself enough time! Ideally, you should have 4-6 months to plan (depending on the nature of your event)


  • Be aware of statutory and religious holidays

  • Avoid school holiday time periods (e.g., winter, spring and summer holidays)

  • Check dates with key participants – e.g., speakers, presenters, VIP guests, etc.



4.Brand Your Event


If you want your event to stand out, you need to choose a timely and compelling theme that sets you apart from your competition. This means that you need to come up with a dynamic overall theme and you need to take great care with the actual name – since it can be a key attention-getter, especially in online media. Brainstorm names: When you are brainstorming the event name, think about:


  • how is your event different from other events in your sector?

  • what are you hoping to convey through this event?

  • Create a Tagline: Once you’ve come up with a name, also try to craft a tagline – a short, memorable branding slogan that describes the event.

  • Design a Logo: The final step will be having a logo created to represent your event. A logo can be an effective branding tool – offering immediate recognition of your event in all of your publicity and promo items (e.g., Arm bands, water bottles, bags, etc.).



5.Create a Master Plan:


This plan should encompass all aspects of the event, including:

  • Venue, logistics & catering management (contracts, permits, insurance, etc.)

  • Speakers/presenters (identifying, confirming, logistics & management)

  • Activities/entertainment

  • Publicity/promotion (online & off-line, e.g., web page & online promotion; events calendars; printed programs; media relations; signage; social media, etc.)

  • Registration (online sign-up, payment and tracking; on-site sign-in, etc.)

  • Sponsor/partner management

  • Volunteer management



6.Determine Administrative Processes


In other words, how are you going to keep track of your planning, registration, budget, guest and speakers lists, etc.? If you are a Wild Apricot Membership Management client, you can quickly and easily create an event and manage your registration through our online event management system. If your website or membership database is not powered by Wild Apricot, you may want to determine how to best organize and track all of your event information. You could review event management software tools through a directory, such as Capterra[1]



7.Identify and Establish Partnerships & Sponsors


Are there organizations that you could partner with or call on for sponsorships to defray the costs and increase potential participation?When you involve other people or groups in your event, they have a stake in helping spread the word and making the event a success.


You might want to consider:


Seeking corporate sponsors to fund a portion of the event. This can range from national organizations that might want to sponsor a dinner, offer a door prize or a key silent auction item, to local businesses that might be able to provide goods or services, such as flowers for the tables, gift bag items, etc.

Partnering with community organizations who might be able to offer a venue and/or assistance with organizing or staffing an event



8.Create a Publicity Plan


Even with the most amazing speaker or entertainment line-up, you need publicity to get people in the door.Event promotion starts with the initial notice or page on your website, note in your newsletter or email to save the date, and then builds to include online and off-line publicity, media relations and on-going outreach to encourage registration. And no plan is complete without the post-event thank-you’s, sponsor acknowledgements and articles about the event’s key messages or fundraising success.



9.Establish a Budget


Your budget should incorporate estimates for all of the key items identified on your Event Master Plan. Don’t forget to include any travel or accommodation costs for speakers, presenters, etc.



10.Determine Evaluation Process


How will you determine if your event is a success? Do you measure success by the number of registrants or attendees or is it dependent on you breaking even or raising a target amount in donations?


When you set your initial event goals and objectives, you should also consider how you will evaluate the event to determine your success.If you are using a membership management software package, such as Wild Apricot’s, you can easily track registration numbers and fees. But, if your event involves tracking, for example, a silent auction, then you’ll need to put some processes in place to identify goods offered in kind and funds raised at the event.


By the same token, if the objective of your event is to raise awareness, you’ll have to benchmark and gather data on online social media activity/mentions etc. and offline publicity – again based on your initial goals.


Protocol officers and events managers must be detailed event planners with an understanding of event logistics. They must also exercise judgment, poise and interpersonal skills as they interact with everyone involved in interactions between people and institutions.In understanding events let’s start with special events and these occur for the following purposes;


  • Education including but not limited to conferences, meetings and Graduations.

  • Promotions where we have product launches, political rallies and fashion shows.

  • Celebrations covering weddings, reunions, birthdays, fairs and anniversaries.

  • Commemorations here is more of deep-rooted details and these include civic or political events like the National democratic convention in the USA, memorials, etc.


Before we throw that party, before we take-off we most likely need a tasted steward to captain the ship and the ship being this well detailed event that is still on paper, its execution will rely upon an experienced event manager, question here is; who is an event manager? And this brings us to a realization that anyone interested in becoming one should begin by understanding that it is always not about party planning, social events and corporate events are what determines your zeal and vim.


Protocol officers handling such events should focus on the rationale or goal of having an event, and whether it is achieved. The real work is in the details that lead up to the event. Programs ought to be created that addresses the purpose, message or impression that their organization is trying to communicate. These noble ladies and gentlemen work long and awkward hours to plan and execute in detail all that is related to events at hand.


Event managers should be in a position to develop such skills as;


  • Verbal and written communication[2]

  • Understanding Microsoft office applications on both windows and Macintosh platforms

  • Budget management

  • Staff management

  • Team player, dynamism at play

  • Project management and multi-tasking

  • Marketing and public relations

  • Detail and deadline-oriented

  • Interpersonal skills with all levels

  • Negotiation, a win-win situation is paramount

  • Calm and personable under pressure


Armed with these skills, in due course of time successful event planners will develop knowledge in;

venue selection,

conference services,







this sure provides a huge boost in attaining perfection but caution should be taken to ensure that there is always a plan B, C and that we must check, check again and then check.



[1] Event management software <>, (accessed 05/04/2014)

[2] The 7C’s of communication <>, (accessed 05/04/2014)

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